What is Tibetan Massage?

What is Tibetan Massage?

Posted on May 24, 2022

Along with Indian Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Tibetan medicine is one of the world's oldest systematised healing systems. Part of the Silk Road trading network that connected India, China and the Persian Empire, Tibetan medicine drew on the wisdom of those cultures and combined it with its own ancient traditions to create a unique approach to healing that included massage as an important part of its system. What is Tibetan massage and how can it help you?

What is Tibetan Massage?

"Gyud-Zhi" (the "4 Tantras") is a classic Tibetan medical text that describes 6 "external" therapies. One of these is called "Kunyi" (or "Ku Nye"), which literally means "ointment rub" or, as we say, "massage," but the techniques used in Tibetan massage are more sophisticated than its simple name implies.

Tibetan medicine begins with the premise that we are made up of five basic elements: earth, water, fire, wind and space. Tibetan massage, otherwise known as Kunye massage, is an ancient form of massage technique taught in traditional Tibetan medicine. It is primarily concerned with bringing the wind element into balance. A Tibetan massage practitioner achieves this using techniques that are remarkably similar to many other Eastern and Western modalities, including:

  • Acupressure
  • Reflexology
  • Shiatsu
  • Remedial massage
  • Reiki
  • Cupping
  • Hot Stone Massage

This holistic approach to massage reflects the Tibetan medical system, which views the body as not just physical, but energetic and spiritual as well.

The manipulative techniques used in this type of massage therapy are familiar to any massage therapist, which include rubbing, kneading and stroking. In addition, deep circular motions are applied to acupressure points. The oil used in the massage treatment is natural and unadulterated, such as olive oil, as it acts not only as a lubricant, but it also holds the wind element in place and assists in smoothing it out. Medicinal mixtures, too, are used in traditional Tibetan massage.

How is a Tibetan Massage Performed?

Kunye massage can be done on the client while lying on a mat or futon spread out on the floor, or they may opt to lie down on a massage table. Before the massage session begins, the massage therapist will assess the energy levels and state of health of the client to determine the kind of oil to use. After this, both therapist and client will perform short breathing exercises to clean their minds, bodies and energies. Then, the therapist will tie red threads around the ring fingers and fourth toes of the client to protect the energy of the five elements from negative energies. While in the process of doing this, they will recite a mantra to invoke the guidance of the healing energies.

Next, the therapist applies oil on the client's head and face evenly and then starts massaging these areas using gentle pressure, especially on the neck. Once the head is done, they work their way down to the shoulders, arms, wrists, hands, back, hips and feet. After the massage, the therapist wipes off the oil using a warm towel to eliminate the toxins released by the body during the massage session.  

Kunye massage therapy not only provides pain relief but alleviates mental exhaustion as well. It is suitable for everyone, including children, pregnant women and elderly people.   

Benefits of Tibetan Massage

Traditionally, Tibetan massage was used to treat a number of "wind" disturbances. This form of massage is widely used in the treatment of the following:

  • Tension headaches
  • Heart palpitations
  • Bleeding
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Constipation
  • Sciatica and lumbar pain

Those who have experienced Tibetan massage for general therapeutic purposes or relaxation reported several of its beneficial effects on general health and well being, including:

  • Improved metabolism
  • Better sleep
  • Higher energy levels
  • Improved appetite
  • An elevated mood
  • Better circulation 

A relatively new modality in Australia, many natural therapists listed here on the Natural Therapy Pages are learning the technique as an adjunct to their current practices, while others specialise in Tibetan medicine, meditation and other Tibetan therapeutic and spiritual disciplines. Fortunately, these practitioners are learning Tibetan massage and bringing it to Australia, so you needn't travel to the "roof of the world" to experience it yourself.

Original Post: https://www.naturaltherapypages.com.au/article/what-is-tibetan-massage

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